Por más que los Arcanos en sí no me terminen de convencer (en cuestión de estética; son todos demasiado refinados y muy sofisticados, y lo peor es que de estos moldeos redundan en la web), no puedo negar que son excelentes y que es de un trabajo bastante complejo. Así que se los dejo a ustedes, para que lo disfruten.

The Fool
symbolisme: sun, water, rock colorfull cloths, dog
added symbols : the cards
I chose to depict him dancing with the cards that tell him about his journey, dancing on the edge of a clif. which can mean 2 meanings 1 : he is fully aware about the danger at this feet but still wants to dance into the dept, embracing everything that comes his way, or he is so focused on the future , that he doesn't see what is before him. is he a fool because he dances on the edge of a cliff knowing that he can fall of ? maybe because how can somebody grow if he doesn't make any mistakes...in this way the Fool is one of the wisest archeptypes of the Tarot. and the representation of a young men at the beginning of his live
In this card are the 4 elements represented, sun, rock, air and water. the dog represent the animus , and he represent life of the natural world
The bag on the staff indicates that he has all he need to do or be anything he wants, he has only to stop and unpack
To draw the Fool means you should let go of all you think you want or need to be happy, and focus on happiness itself. let your heart sometimes speak above your mind, and have faith that though things may not turn out the way you expect, you will get that which you need.it also warns for daydreaming and fantasising and watch your step.

The Magician
symbolisme : table, wand, pentacle staff, sword, chalice
The Magician stands with wand held pointed toward Heaven.. Before him are the four symbols of the Minor Arcana, the Wand, Cup, Sword, and Pentacle, which are the basic elements to create whatever he desires.the Magician is the male power of creation, creation by willpower and desire. In that ancient sense, it is the ability to make things so just by speaking them aloud .
He represents the gift of tongues, a smooth talker, a salesman. Also clever with the slight of hand) and a medicine man The 4 suits laid out before him remind us of the 4 aces, which in the Tarot symbolize the raw, undeveloped, undirected power of each suit. When the Magician appears, he reveals these to you.
The Magician represents a focused, goal-oriented individual who harnesses the power of creativity, especially through willpower and determination. He reminds us that we already have everything we need to create the life we want for ourselves. We can accomplish anything if we stay focused on what we want.

The High Priestess
symbolisme : lady, cresent moon , veil, pilars, scroll, trone
new symbols: changed the veil into a banner, put in the tree of knowledge
the apple represents receptivity, fertility, and passivity
the water represent the flow of wisdom, from the subconscious mind
the veil/banner hides the fortune of secret knowledge, the moon at her feet and in her crown shows her willingness to share some of what is hidden
the pilars black and white are the representation of positive and negative, a symbol that reality, contains light and dark, good and bad, and all opposites. We should be open to both sides.
The High Priestess is the card of knowledge, instinctual, supernatural, secret knowledge. She holds scrolls of arcane information that she might, or might not reveal to you
She represents intuition, secret knowledge, the supernatural and psychic realms. It can also indicate hidden information that has yet to be revealed. Drawing this card may refer to changes taking place within you; the gathering of energy before the physical action is taken. There could be a surprise in your immediate future.

The Empress
symbolisme: crown with 17 stars, the flowing water of life on the other. a rod wheat.
The Empress is a creator, be it creation of life, of romance, of art or business.
She is Fertility personified. She represents the womb where creative ideas start to take shape in physical reality.The Scepter is representative of her power over life, her crown has 12 stars representing her dominance over the year, and her throne is in the midst of a field of grain, representative of her dominion over growing things.
If you drew this card it means that for now at least, instead of "doing", you should try to simply "be". If you are trying to push a project forward, you can probably expect delays. The Empress represents being passive, not taking action. The Empress' presence in a reading is often a message to turn down our intellect and listen to intuition.

The Emperor
symbolisme : throne, heads of aries, scepter , ankh, globes
The meaning of the card includes being in control over your environment, your body, your temper, your instincts, your love life. This is not the time to give into the unconscious, not the time to let yourself be controlled by others wants and needs. It is a card that gives the querent permission to be aggressive, brave, bold and in command. The Emperor could be a father or father figure, leader
If your goal was built upon a solid foundation, it will be realized. Drawing this card indicates that you should accept what is coming your way, and that you will receive most (perhaps all) of what you desire.
The Emperor symbolizes the self-conscious mind and, therefore, “reason”, for that’s what self-consciousness does, the emperor reminds us that, without reason, the imagination tends to run wild, influenced by our fleeting emotions, feelings and thought.
he signifies the leader that everyone wants to follow, sitting on a throne that indicates the solid foundation of an Empire he created, loves and rules with intelligence and enthusiasm. But that throne can also be a trap, a responsibility that has the Emperor feeling restless, bored and discontent.

The Hierophant
symbolisme: Twin pillars, staff, throne, hand raised in blessing, two crossed keys representing the conscious and the subconscious
the Hierophant's purpose is to bring the spiritual down to Earth. Where the High Priestess between her two pillars deals with realms beyond this Earth, the Hierophant deals with worldly problems. he strives to create harmony and peace in the midst of a crisis. The Hierophant's only problem is that, like the Bull, he can be stubborn and hidebound. At his best, he is wise and soothing, at his worst, he is an unbending traditionalist.
the Hierophant might well warn against being too stubborn, especially in matters of theology or ethics. It can remind the Querent what it means to be a good, and beloved teacher.He symbolizes a connection to the divine, which answers with a very human voice, never oblique or mysterious. You know how to solve your problem, this card says; it is not easy, not a quick fix, but it is do-able. The solution is there, you've only to bring it down to Earth. It is often a sign that it is time to think about giving up your routines, your old way of doing things, and to move into the unknown.

The lovers
symbolisme : men and women, 2 trees one with 12 flames representing the 12 signs of the zodiac and the other the tree of knowledge, guardian angel ( changed it into a face in the moon)
the men represents the consious mind, and the women the subconscious mind. guardian angel represents the higher self in ourselves
the lovers means a choise we will have to make, a choise between "following your heart" and "and what make sense" The Lovers remind us that we cannot attain our full potential with our conscious, rational mind alone. We must marry it to our subconscious, representing our emotions and intuition.

The Chariot
symbolisme : chariot, sun horses ,sphinx or bears
This card respresents triumph - victory through self-mastery, and the bringing together of powerful and possibly conflicting forces to work in harmony toward a common goal. This is a reminder that when one lets go of doubt and fear, and focuses only on the wished for result, victory is assured

symbolisme : maiden, lion
put out, the sign of infinity
put in the flames as a representation of the fire inside us, our passions
The lion represents our strong inner passions, the madien purity. The maiden, confident in her abilities, easily tames the lion with virtually no physical strength.
wearing not much cloths shows that she is happy in her skin
If we are determined, we can control passions and use them for our own purposes. The strength of your convictions, and your resolve to proceed without fear, will help you attain the help of powerful spiritual forces. you will overcome all obstacles, because you are determined to let nothing keep you from your goal..

The hermit
symbolisme : old wise men( monk) light, empty landscape
symbols put in: books as a representation for the knowledge he gathered in his life, he's roll as a teatcher,wise, inspirational person, friend..
the rocks as a representation of his desire for sollitude and piece
the landmap as a representation of the road of life he walked on.
The tree of knowledge as a representation of the knowlegde ( he ate a lot of apples ;p) couldn't resist to put that one in :blushes:
This card represents that it isn't a time for action, discussion or decisions. It is a time to think, organize, ruminate, take stock. There may be feelings of frustration and discontent during this time of withdrawal. But such times lead to enlightenment, illumination, clarity.
The Hermit is a person who can shine a light on things that were previously mysterious and confusing. They will help the Querent find what it is they are seeking.
The Hermit represents the end of one phase of your life and the start of another. Problems will be solved, goals will be attained. Banish doubt; it only creates an obstacle between you and your Source. You will find what you are seeking, and take your first step into a whole new world of opportunity.

Wheel of Fortune
symbolisme : wheel of fortune, zodiaque signs
put out, text "inri" and ' taro' the 4 mystical bible creatures
put in : 3 lady's ( fates) sfinx water, butterfly ship
The focus here is on unexpected developments that change your plans or alter your course, conflicts of interest, or an idea ready to materialize. Circumstances will not be under your control. Get ready for a new way of life, because one is on its way. In fact, this apparent chaos is the start of something much better, so don't be rigid with your plans. Letting things flow will bring good fortune. Events are going to unfold in such a way that it will be impossible to miss the hand of Fate in your affairs. A fresh start will work out in your favor.
quote ' spin the wheel of fortune and learn to navigate " ( thats why i put the ship in it

symbolisme : scales, sword trone, pilars
trone i kinde left out replaced it by the stairs
The sword symbolises discrimination and right use of consciousness.
The scales symbolise the balancing of opposing forces and alignment of duality.
the pilars represent the positive and the negative, the consious and the unconscious mind
Justice represents the understanding that life is ultimately fair and just. It is a reminder that there are consequences to all of our actions, and that physical concerns must be balanced by spritual growth. It can also mean a judgement in your favor, and that a turbulent time is coming to an end.

The Hanged Man
symbolisme : man upside down, a glow around his head
put in different position, i had the same position found in justmenia(?)stock, like you see in the tarot cards, but i chosed for this one because , for me it gave the meaning of sacrifice more, he is more relaxed, more ready to accept the new change in thinking
A man hangs upside down from a living tree. This is a voluntary suspension that also includes fasting and austerities. There is a radiance about his head. The look on his face is one of contemplation rather than suffering. He has denied his physical body, offering it as a kind of sacrifice to attain spiritual knowledge.
The Hanged Man is about being suspended between the mundane and the spiritual. This card indicates a change in thinking, and a new clarity. Your hopes, desires, and goals, no longer seem as important as they once were while you re-think your values. There is a higher power guiding your affairs.

Symbolisme : the reaper, rose, skulls
put out, horse, armor , fallen king crown
put in : little girl, ghost lady,
Very rarely this card indicate an actual death. the white rose is a symbol for life, In the background, a sun rises to a new day. A river runs to the sea, only to evaporate into the clouds and fall back to earth as rain. The real message is the unending cycle of birth, death, and renewal.
taking this card indicates that you will be blessed with the ability to make major changes in your life. Like the ancient shamans you will experience a symbolic death, where you are purified by eliminating all the things that no longer serve you and which are now holding you back. the old you dies, so a better, stronger you can be born. Transformation is the key word here.

symbolisme : water, chalices, lady.
its in a way the card of balance between the 2 sexes, and protecting the women. The cups are the sub and super conscious again. The water flowing between them is actually going from the lower cup to the higher one, signifying raising from a lower plane to a higher one. Temperance, like Justice, indicates the need for balance and tranquillity to achieve and experience fulfilment in our lives. In her hands are two cups which she uses to mix water. One cup can be thought of as holding hot water and the other cold water. The temperate individual mixes the opposites and finds a balance in life by avoiding extremes.
What you are experiencing is a clash between the old and the new.There is nothing to fear, it's part of the process and without it change could not occur.This card represents adaptation, coordination, and tempering influences. You need to be patient so that you can act with timing and precision and you will see a need for re-evaluation.
The energy of Temperance may seem unexciting on the surface, but it is the calm of a hurricane's eye
Temperance can represent a need for moderation; patience and moderation will result in good management of all things

The Devil
symbolisme : chains, devil, flames inverted pentagram
left out the male of the lovers, torch and the sign of dark magic
new symbols: women as the representation of excess regarding the senses
skull :the inverted pentagram on the skulls head represent the males place in the universe is reversed and that he is vulnerable to evil
the card of the devil isn't a very positive card, it indicates a negative cycle of events. You may find yourself in a situation where nothing seems to go right, and your problems spawn other problems with no end in sight. This is usually because you are not seeing the whole picture. It could also be because you are too focused on the material world and not the spiritual. Remember that you have the power to release yourself from these chains

The Tower
lightning, flames, tower
(2 people falling> the 2 statues )
the tower represent material ambition, the broken top represent ego materialistic thinking
the lightning is spiritual inside of the purest kind destroying that kind of thinking
The Tower indicates a major overturning in one's life or beliefs. Expect emotional upheaval, and distressing events, but be assured that what is important will be preserved. The lies created by ambition, desire, and the ego will be laid bare leaving a solid foundation of Truth on which to rebuild. Cling to the belief that everything will be all right, because it will

The Star
symbolisme : water, girl, tree, big star and 7 little stars, bird, butterfly
some changes :
i've put the stars in a pentagram shape to represent the sences. the ibis represent the pure thoughts, the 8 pointed star represents creative cosmic energy.the little butterfly represents transformation
this card is about following your own star, living your own life with a sense of purpose, finding inspiration and meaning in your live with the guidance you didn't expect to follow your dream. this card is about being true to yourself, engage yourself to your sence of purpose and things will turn out better then you expected

The Moon
symbolisme: wolf , moon towers, water, face in moon
left out : the crayfish and the dog
put in : the mountains and the stair, to represent that the path you take can sometimes be hard but you will get there
wolf represent the pure untamed spirit, the water about what is there but can't be seen, the towers represent good & evil to come to a higher state of consciousness.the moon is about deception dreadfullness, but also about dreams , instinct , creativity and energy
Sometimes the only way out of a problem is to go through it, finding a new perspective on the other side which will make you a stronger, happier person. Artists, philosophers, geniuses are some of the people familiar with the Moon's rugged path.

The Sun
symbolisme : sun, wall, sunflowers , horse
left out: the banner and the children.
put in : lady, tree.
this represents the light that comes after the dark, the discoveries made with a full consciousness. its the card of science, beautifull constructed music, reasoned philosophy, its the card of the mind and intellect, and feelings of young energy. also the card that informs there is new life on its way.
its a positive card that represents gain, truimph, truth, succes.

symbolisme : angel, graves, water, death people awakening
This card is about facing the past, accepting it, and getting on with your life. After a period of unhappiness, the past will fade and you will have a change of consciousness for the better; a rejuvenation of mind and spirit.

The World
symbolisme : dancing lady earth, animals
This card indicates success, completeness, satisfaction, and fulfillment in your life. This is not about small victories, but big ones. Travel may also be indicated.
¿Qué es eso de poner tamaña texto en inglés? Tradúzcalo ya mismo vago incompetente
ResponderEliminarbellas, bellas... Pero creo que ya te pasé las otras hechas a lápiz, que tb son geniales!!!
ResponderEliminari love to read in english! and i loved your cards too. Beautifull! i think that i am "the full" by your description. Thanks for this knowledge.